bTry/b the bParis/b Opera Hilton, it's north of Haussmann Blvd, off the beaten path, very cool refurbished 19th C. building. Surprisingly affordable. You are still in walking distance of most attractions north of the Seine. ...
They use the tax code to btry/b to modify behavior. They pass home mortgage interest deductions to encourage home ownership and the recent First Time Homebuyers to btry/b to stop the drop in home prices. ... See also Hilton, bParis/b. 9 JBruce September 4, 2009 at 8:15 am. David Shulman said it better than I did. Also, he mentioned something that I forgot: bestates/b don't pay capital gain taxes. In his example of the long-time owner of Microsoft shares, if he sold the shares he'd ...